1 りなたん


2 General Adultman
I am a Japanese general adult man, but I would like to inquire about the intentions of you youtube administrator about the above.

It seem that you are purposely deleting Japanese conservative videos, but is it after doing scrutiny of the content and its background?
Otherwise it would be too rude to the publisher, is it too severely unilateral?

No freedom of speech on youtube distributors? They was easily arbitraged and excluded by youtube administrator of you. Do you have the right to deprive the achievements of video distribution they built up? Is not it a barbaric act for viewers too?

You youtube administrator, the beginning of the thing do you understand that mischief is the cause?
It is a pranked by people of politically on counter side.

If it is advised to youtube administrator by people of politically on one side, and you believe it is correct, there is concern that the objection to that will be unacceptable to you, but do you wish so?

Please indicate your policy to many people using any method.